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Add Your Name: Help Protect the Tongass National Forest Now!


Trump's attack on the Tongass — the world's largest intact temperate rainforest — is the latest in his anti-environmental, anti-democratic agenda. With your signature and public comment, we can submit overwhelming evidence for the need to protect the Tongass National forest. This forest is of global importance, and opening it to logging and mining will have permanent, detrimental consequences.

First Trump gutted the Endangered Species Act, and now, at a time where forests are burning all over the world, he's instructing Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue to exempt Alaska's 16.7-million-acre Tongass National Forest from nearly 20-year-old logging restrictions, endangering the forest's biodiversity, and beautiful wildlife –– like wolves and grizzly bears.

Make your voice heard while Sonny Perdue is reading public comments!

This latest attack on rare wildlife, cultural heritage, and lush forests is one of many the "Extinction Administration" has claimed will "boost the economy" of Alaska, when less than 1% comes from the logging industry and would potentially impact more prominent sectors like tourism or fishing. This is cashing out at the expense of a climate-critical ecosystem and wildlife.

We only have a limited amount of time to tell Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue that he must say no to Trump's corrupt objectives and protect the Tongass Forest. Tell Perdue to hold forest and wildlife protection above corporate greed by signing below!

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