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Tell Albany to Protect New York City tenants living in basement and cellar apartments!


Tens of thousands of New Yorkers live in basement and cellar apartments across the city, but are living without basic tenant rights and safety standards that most of their neighbors have. Because basement and cellar apartments are not legally recognized, there are no building code requirements in place for them, and tenants risk facing a vacate order if they come forward with safety concerns.

The tenants and homeowners who rely on basement apartments are often low-income, immigrants, and people of color, who bear the brunt of New York City's ever-growing affordability crisis and struggle to find housing.

Many basement and cellar apartments can be made safe, but only if they are legalized. Regulating basement apartments will make them safer for tenants every day and, most importantly, help prevent deaths in the event of fire or flood.

Currently, New York State law prevents the affordable and safe conversion of basement and cellar apartments. A bill proposed in Albany (S. 2276/A. 1075) would empower New York City to create a basement conversion program, providing relief to homeowners and ensuring housing safety for tenants.

Demand that New York State legislators act now to pass S. 2276/A. 1075 to bring housing safety and stability to thousands of New Yorkers who call basement and cellar apartments home.

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