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Support Just Marijuana Legalization


While an increasing number of states are moving to decriminalize and legalize marijuana, arrest rates – and racial disparities in arrests – are not improving. In some parts of the country, they're getting even worse. It's past time that we not just legalize marijuana but do so in a way that tackles racial disparities head-on. The MORE Act will do just that.

Message Recipients:
Your U.S. House Representative


Pass the MORE Act (H.R. 3884)
As your constituent, I urge you to vote YES on the MORE Act so marijuana can be legalized in a way that addresses racial disparities, which continues to persist in every state. Even with an increasing number of states adopting marijuana reform, arrest rates are staggering and disproportionately target Black people.

The MORE Act is the most comprehensive marijuana reform bill in Congress. It's backed by a broad coalition of civil rights, criminal justice, drug policy, and immigration groups -- and for good reason. This bill would not only remove marijuana from the Controlled Substances Act, but would also expunge marijuana convictions and re-sentence people with marijuana convictions, among other positive reforms. The MORE Act would have a positive impact on millions whose lives have been upended by the War on Drugs -- and on communities nationwide.

It's past time to make marijuana legal -- no matter who you are. Pass the MORE Act.

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