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Congrats! You just redeemed: Red Rocks Volunteer Reward: Pair of Tickets to the Red Rocks Show of Your Choice

Red Rocks Volunteer Reward: Pair of Tickets to the Red Rocks Show of Your Choice

Red Rocks Volunteer Reward: Pair of Tickets to the Red Rocks Show of Your Choice

Please complete the following actions to unlock this reward:

Red Rocks Volunteer Reward: Pair of Tickets to the Red Rocks Show of Your Choice

xx Points



DJ Snake 11/11
Of The Trees 11/12

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Ready to return to Red Rocks to see your favorite artist perform live? Redeem your points and get a pair of tickets to the Red Rocks show of your choice!

*Ticket redemptions are only available for the following shows: DJ Snake 11/11, Of The Trees 11/12. Subject to availability. Tickets will be made unavailable 2 weeks prior to each show to ensure use of tickets.

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