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Winner Recap: Win a VIP Trip To Meet ODESZA at Their DJ Set at Zouk Nightclub in Las Vegas

May 17th, 2024

Kellie G. from Texas was the winner of the Propeller experience to "Win a VIP Trip To Meet ODESZA at Their DJ Set at Zouk Nightclub in Las Vegas" that took place in May 2024. Below are some of Kellie's highlights from the experience.

What an absolutely incredible experience! I want to say a huge thank you to Propeller for this exhilarating weekend!

Our flight to Vegas was in the morning. We arrived in the afternoon. Our driver took us down the strip on our way to our hotel. This was my first time in Vegas, so it was totally neato to see in real life those famous casinos and other Las Vegas icons you see in movies and tv shows. The Sphere, The Luxor, so cool to see how massive they are! The hotel was beautiful. White marble everywhere with incredible detail.The hotel overlooked the strip. It was awesome to see the whole of Vegas from high up. The hotel was more like a resort, with plenty of world class restaurants and shops to explore. We saw ODESZA signs within the hotel and stopped to take some pics.

After a full day of travel, we called it an early night since the ODESZA concert was the next day.

Day of the concert, we woke up early we were so excited. We went to a pool party, but didn't stay too long. We wanted to be well rested for the evening. We had pre-booked a mobile glam squad to do our make up and hair. And they did such an amazing job. Our hotel was wonderfully in the same complex as the Zouk Nightclub, so we were able to walk from our rooms directly to the club. We had walked the route the day we arrived, so we knew exactly where to go and how long it would take to walk.

When we got to Zouk Nightclub, I messaged the team member I had been in contact with to let her know we had arrived. She was so nice and came out to meet us and escort us into the club. We were led to the back of the club and downstairs were the meet and greet would be. And then Harrison and Clayton of ODESZA came to see us!!!! They were so nice. After being such a long time fan (I went to 16 of their concerts last year) it was amazing to actually meet them. We took pictures and we chatted for a moment. I got to tell them how much I appreciated their music and I got to show them an original set list I had brought. They couldn't have been nicer. I can truly say their music has changed my life. And to be able to meet them in person was just life changing.

After the meet n greet, my friend and I were led upstairs for the DJ set. And, as always, ODESZA knocked it out of the park. I have been to their concerts before, but never a DJ set. No one has visuals like ODESZA. And as soon as they came on, the crowd went nuts. We danced the night away and had so much fun. At the club, they had a limited edition Zouk cup with ODESZA's logo on it, so of course I bought like 10, ha ha. I love them and they make a great addition to my ODESZA merch.

For our last day, we went to Gordon Ramsey's Burger joint on our way to the airport. It was fantastic, definitely recommend. I also picked up some souvenirs for my family.

I literally had the weekend of my life. I want to give a huge thank you to Hannah and the team at Propeller, as well as the lovely staff at Zouk Nightclub that took such good care of my friend and I. And of course a massive thank you to ODESZA for taking the time to meet us!

- Kellie G.