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About the cause:

Earth is boiling (and burning, and melting, and flooding) and scientists are screaming. IT'S UP TO ALL OF US TO SHOW THAT WE'RE WITH THE SCIENTISTS, SO OUR LEADERS WILL FINALLY ACT ON THEIR URGENT WARNINGS. Yellow Dot Studios is working to lift up the voices of the science heros who have been right all along. But we can't do it without you. Lots of you.

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About the cause:

Earth is boiling (and burning, and melting, and flooding) and scientists are screaming. IT'S UP TO ALL OF US TO SHOW THAT WE'RE WITH THE SCIENTISTS, SO OUR LEADERS WILL FINALLY ACT ON THEIR URGENT WARNINGS. Yellow Dot Studios is working to lift up the voices of the science heros who have been right all along. But we can't do it without you. Lots of you.