In July 2018, three mothers — sisters Elsa Collins and Yolanda Selene Walther-Meade, along with Zoe Winkler — came together to combat the family separation crisis, and This is About Humanity was born. TIAH is a fiscal sponsored initiative at the International Community Foundation.
Over two plus years, TIAH has become a community of more than 32,000 followers, volunteers, donors, and influencers who uplift and elevate the voices of vulnerable communities at the CaliBaja border. TIAH motivates its followers to give time, talent and treasure to raise awareness and funds to serve the most vulnerable and underserved communities who have no voice: refugees, including people of color from Haiti and Africa; unaccompanied minors as young as 6 and families seeking asylum from Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala or Mexico; and LGBTQ+ individuals fleeing gang violence and persecution.
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