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2023 Red Rocks Volunteer Epic Pass Contest Rules

2023 Red Rocks Volunteer Epic Pass
Contest Rules

These Contest Rules govern the 2023 Red Rocks Volunteer Contest being sponsored by Propeller Enterprises, a California benefit corporation ("Propeller") from May 1, 2023 through whichever date comes first between the last show of the 2023 Red Rocks season and November 30, 2023 (the "Contest").

The Contest is also governed by Propeller's general Official Contest Rules (the "General Rules") which can be found here.

In addition to eligibility requirements set forth in the General Rules, the Contest is limited to entrants who have volunteered for at least one (1) shift at Red Rocks on the date(s) of the Contest.

In addition to the disqualifying actions set forth in the General Rules, your entry into the Contest will be void and/or may result in the suspension or termination of your Propeller account if you violate any rules or regulations established by either Propeller or Red Rocks.

To enter the Contest, you must volunteer for at least one (1) full shift as part of Propeller's 2023 activation at Red Rocks.

The Contest will involve volunteering with Propeller at Red Rocks during the 2023 season. Entrants will be competing against one another to see who can work the most qualified volunteer shifts during the 2023 season, all as determined by Propeller in its sole and absolute discretion, will be the winner of the Contest.

The entrant who has completed the most shifts will win an Epic Ski Pass for the 2023/2024 season with an approximate retail value of $1,000.