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Winner Recap: Win a Trip to Any Concert or Music Festival in 2024

June 6th, 2024

Wesley V. from Oklahoma was the winner of the Propeller experience to "Win a Trip to Any Concert or Music Festival in 2024" and chose to attend Brandi Carlile's Mothership Weekend, which took place in May 2024. Below are some of Wesley's highlights from the experience.

There's so much going on in our busy lives that when I have a trip coming up, it's hard for me to allow moments of anticipation and excitement. It's not until I actually get to the airport, get on the plane, open that book or plug into that show I've been wanting to get to for months, that it all hits me – a joy that lets me sink into my seat and finally start reconnecting with myself. My wife, Stacie, and I got through security at the airport and didn't stop smiling for the next 4 days.

We had never been to the Destin area of Florida, and from the moment we checked in to the Hilton Sandestin under the moon's Earthshine we could tell the Emerald Coast is a special place. We slept in and woke up to rainy skies, oh darn - these exhausted parents were FORCED to eat breakfast in bed while surfing cable for the first time in SEVEN YEARS. When the sun came out, a walk to Ben & Jerry's, some sunbathing, and a dinner date allowed us the miracle of uninterrupted conversation.

Saturday morning brought a chairs + umbrella reservation on the beach. Late afternoon we picked up our wristbands and front row pit passes and headed in to Brandi Carlile's Mothership Weekend music festival. As the opener prepared to take the stage, the main camera guy for the event appeared in front of us to catch the start of Saturday's music AND OH MY GOODNESS "RYAN??!!" Yes, we had flown 900 miles, and the one person documenting the weekend for Brandi's team was a guy I had spent a semester with 17 years ago another 1500 miles away on Martha's Vineyard.

AND THEN THE MUSIC STARTED. Devon Gilfillian not only has exquisite talent and taste, but he also happens to be an incredible person wanting to make the world a better place. He would fit in at Propeller hand in glove. But y'all got us pit passes for the wonderful people that came next – NICKEL CREEK! Not driving down to Texas last year to see them was my biggest musical regret, and they brought their children and A-games to the beach and turned us all into Celebrants with their exuberant grace and humor. Their latest album is my favorite of theirs, and wound up as my favorite music of 2023 (and I listen to A LOT of new music). When their set ended I wanted another hour with them, they could've just talked amongst themselves, but the bitterness of saying goodbye was made sweeter by the shining sun of a headliner that is the singular Sara Bareilles. My wife, wearing her Sara shirt, was taken back to college, new loves and breakups, and into her favorite musical as Brandi even came out to duet on She Used To Be Mine from Waitress (after Chris Thile joined her on a few songs, too)!

And then Mother's Day. Propeller, I can't thank you enough for helping me treat my most deserving wife to such a wonderful time away to recharge (and yes, to have a chance to even miss our girls SHE SAYS AFTER 2 DAYS and of course I'm like ARE YOU OKAY?). We show up to the final day of the festival after another day at the beach and they have a little succulent for every mother to take home, one of those little touches you don't have to add unless you want to go above and beyond to provide the best for your fans. A last performance from Brandi, a giant Mai Tai in a bucket, and the inimitable Bonnie Raitt brought the grooviest, most beautiful ending to our time away.

- Wesley V.